Zoe joined the group in Spring 2025. She is majoring in Physics and Chemistry. She is excited to be introduced to the research process and learn more about lasers!
Minhal Gardezi and Sophie Vogelsang pass their preliminary exams!
Congratulations to Minhal and Sophie for passing their preliminary exams! They have been awarded their MS, as well as achieved dissertator status!
Mikaela applies to graduate school!
Congratulations to Mikaela for submitting her graduate school applications! We wish you all the best in the next chapter!
Farewell to Mace
Mace spent the Summer and Fall semesters working with post doc, Varun, on the XFAST instrument. Thank you so much for your contributions and good luck with the next steps, Mace!
Zain Abhari passes her preliminary exam!
Congratulations to Zain for passing her preliminary exam! She has been awarded her MS, as well as achieved dissertator status!
Another group retreat in the books!
This year the Bergmann Group went to UW Trout Lake Station for the group retreat. Each day was filled with scientific talks with some fun outdoor exploration sprinkled in between!
UXSS 2024: Congratulations Sophie!
Sophie attended the Ultrafast X-ray Summer School at SLAC. Her group won first prize in the mock proposal poster competition. Congrats!
Additionally, Sophie was interviewed about the summer school in the following article: https://www6.slac.stanford.edu/news/2024-06-28-training-next-generation-ultrafast-x-ray-scientists
Beam Time Dinner Break
BBQ dinner break during the XRF imaging beam time on early prints at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource with Susan Bates Schlotterbeck (right) from the Marriott Library, Utah.
Welcome new summer graduate student, Mace Bishop!
Undergraduate Research Symposium: Muneeza Munawar presents on her contributions the the LCLSII upgrade
Muneeza gives her final presentation as an undergraduate at UW – Madison before she heads off to the University of Chicago for graduate school. Congratulations Muneeza!