Beam Time Dinner Break

BBQ dinner break during the XRF imaging beam time on early prints at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource with Susan Bates Schlotterbeck (right) from the Marriott Library, Utah.

Welcome new summer graduate student, Mace Bishop!

Mace is a first-year physics graduate student, and they graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2022 with a degree in physics. Here in Bergmann group, they will be working on the X-FAST project. Welcome Mace, we are looking forward to working with you!

Undergraduate Research Symposium: Muneeza Munawar presents on her contributions the the LCLSII upgrade

Muneeza gives her final presentation as an undergraduate at UW – Madison before she heads off to the University of Chicago for graduate school. Congratulations Muneeza!

Sophie Vogelsang passes the Thesis Background Exam!

Congratulations to Sophie for passing her thesis background exam! She now has been awarded her MS in Chemistry!

Final Group Outing of Spring 2024

As the semester comes to a close, we take one more group outing before everyone goes off for the summer! Thank you all again for another wonderful academic year!

Happy Birthday Minhal and Muneeza!


This week in our group meeting, we celebrated Muneeza and Minhal’s birthdays!

Happy birthday to you both!

Dinner with Lars Pettersson from Stockholm University


Our collaborator, Lars Pettersson, visited us all the way from Stockholm University for a week. We bid him farewell with dinner!

Thank you for visiting, Lars!

Hosting the Colloquium Speaker


This week, Professor Bergmann hosted the colloquium speaker, TK Sham. TK visited us all the way from Western University in Ontario to share how we can use synchrotrons to study some of the first kinds photographs, daguerreotypes!

Welcome our new undergraduate student, Mikaela Brown!

Mikaela joined the group in Spring 2024. She is majoring in Physics and Astrophysics, and is excited to learn more about optics!