LCLS Technical Note published by undergraduate student, Muneeza Munawar!

During her Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI), Muneeza worked with Zachary Wolf, a lead scientist at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. In her work, she helped with the preparations for the magnetic measurements of the new superconducting undulators to be built at SLAC. The great work she did was published as an LCLS Technical Note, a publication in which cutting edge research is shared internally before being published on a larger scale. Congratulations Muneeza on your hard work! See her Technical Note here:

Welcome new research fellow Erzsi Szilagyi!

She has just been awarded the M. Hildred Blewett Fellowship from the American Physical Society. She will be a research fellow in the Bergmann Group and stationed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory working with Junko Yano.