Major NSF-sponsored materials research center funded for $18 million

MRSEC Education Group – UW–Madison

The Bergmann Lab is one of 10 groups that have come together to form an interdisciplinary research group under MRSEC.  Our group’s goal is to work towards upgrading the X-FAST instrument, our XUV tabletop setup, into a national user facility. Together, we are working towards the goal of advancing the field of information processing, and increasing the efficiency of high-speed data storage.


For more information, see the following links:

UW Madison College of Engineering News

NSF News

Welcoming our new post doc, Tom Linker!

Tom Linker has a joint post doc position with us and Stanford University. He will be stationed at the Stanford PULSE Institute. Tom’s work focuses on studying stimulated x-ray emission and nonlinear x-ray spectroscopy. We are happy to have him as a part of our team!